Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Kendo Means to Me

This is an evolutionary question, it's always changing with the times.
September 2009:
I joined TaeKwonDo to have something to do with my wife that we both enjoyed. Turns out that it cost way to much and she didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted her to. So be it, she told me that I should keep on doing it because she knew I liked it, and I did but not from those greedy people. I searched for other, more traditional schools and found Mudokwan. I talked to Park Sensei and joined. Why did I join though? Why did I start Kendo, Hiro asked me and my response was that I needed religion. Not some Buddhist prospective but something to dedicate myself to without question and find incite within.

That slowly evolved into something else, I needed get used to being told to do something without questioning the reasons behind it. I'm at times stubborn and jumping when being told to do something was what I needed for sometime. The second reason I was in kendo could be summed into Discipline.

The next turn, I noticed that my frustration was gone. I wasn't frustrated with life anymore, not so much that I needed to take it on a bamboo sword. I believe that was making me a better person, it was helping to make my frustration in life disappear. I was learning to take on certain life problems strategically and avoid some battles that didn't need metaphorically fought. Also giving me the confidence and strength the metaphorically slice down people without hesitation and choose my battles wisely.

Currently what does kendo mean to me? Or better, why am I still in kendo? It gives me a purpose in life, something to look forward to. Also there is a little 'Fight Club' in kendo too. To anyone that knows me they know I am a kendo fanatic at times, but to those who don't , well,.... they just don't know :) Kendo had become intertwined in almost all aspects of my life and i enjoy that very much. It by no means is the most important thing in my life but it stands to me to be very important.

Trail Running

I got off work about 6am from working all night and decided to take Sam to Southeastway Park for a run. I have a pretty good system down, I take a small leash and run it over my should and waist then snap it to another leash that is connected to a harness that he wears. He is doing very well about staying either on my right side or to my back when the path isn't large enough. We started about 7:30am right before light came through the trees. We followed a path as it ran next to the creek and then I make a choice to go into a clearing through the woods then out to a harvested corn field. We ran about a half mile up the field and back and when we came into the woods again I tripped over a root or treeling. I sprained my ankle good but kept going on it. We headed back along side the creek and Sam really did well. He' s a very agile dog and seems to really enjoy running even when it's 33deg outside :/ .

We ran for about 30 mins which is the usual, i don't have any idea what the distance was but I would guess about 3 miles. It's a good time to get out and go.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Part of the Mental

Here is to a full day of hiking with my 2yr old son. He's pretty good about truckin' along and I found out that he can climb the ladder on the big jungle gym and he does it just fine.

Here's to a good day of letting your mind enjoy life.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Missing More Kendo

Practicing 2 or 3 times a week by myself. I've been practicing short controlled stikes without any wasted movement. It's hard to tell if it is effective without a partner. If anyone has time and is available to practice at random time in Indianapolis, just let me know. My life has changed with kendo, as it should. Kendo is the way of the sword and it is a lifestyle.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jogging Stats

3.5 Miles

9.15 36m.53s 5.69mph
9.19 33.27 6.28mph
9.26 33.3 6.35mph
9.30 30.3 6.89mph
10.7 30.53 6.80mph
10.13 30.12 6.95mph

Recent Activities

In class We're being taught to make a decision. Envision how we want our Kendo to be be before we practice. I get the impression that Hiro Sensei doesn't approve much of 'young' Kendo. He always refers to watching 8th dans, by which do not practice 'young' Kendo. This has been my focus for the past week. Small strikes, that are forward, powerful and to the point. No extra movement, no dodging to not get hit. Forwardness and strength.

An interesting question that I brought to Sensei. Is it acceptable to go to the gym and train for kendo. His reply seemed to be yes. What I have always heard from him was not to treat Kendo like a sport. So going to the gym to be better at kendo rides that line very closely. But, I have a better understanding of Kendo now that my body is able to complete the techniques necessary for the art.

I've managed to begin running. I have never been much of a runner, never more then a mile. Sometime last month I decided to go out. I managed to run 3.5miles in about 36mins. Though this may not seem like a lot for 'runners' but for me this is phenomenal. I've been running at least once a week since then, with our dog sam, and we have managed to bring the 3.5 miles into a 30m23s time. My goal here is to get under 30m and then increase the distance.

No luck on Kyudo practice. I keep trying though. I looked up the cost of the equipment and it totals around $700.00.

Monday, September 20, 2010


For some reason I am getting Highly interested in attempting Kyudo if Master Park would have me. I can't explain the itch but I'm being more drawn to it as the days go on.

I've never really been interested in Archery but this is different. Master Park only practices on Saturdays from what I understand, I wonder if I can manage having Saturdays off..... and Megan wouldn't mind.

Friday, September 3, 2010

G'day to you all,

On 9/11, we will have a joint practice of ECUSKF in Indianapolis.
For detail, please read below.

It is a good chance to practice with or see people with high grade,
so please do come and practice.

If you cannot practice in bogu, you can practice kata.
Also watching is a great way of learning too.

Venue: Mudokwan

8230 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46219-6816

Time Schedule

1:00 ~ 1:30 PM “Kata” Practice <- Bring boku-to

1:30 ~ 3:00 PM General Practice

After Practice

We will probably get together at some (Korean?) restaurant following Park sensei.

Looking forwards to seeing you at the Joint Practice.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The latest

Sensei said I am doing well, 'that is why I don't say much to you.' I get that, I understand. I'm not like some who need a pat on the back every few minutes to keep me going. Just don't let me do it wrong.

On Friday it was Hiro Sensei and myself. That is the first time it has happened. He said 'I knew someone would show up.' Indeed I did. As I've been referred as before, I am like a rock! Yes, I can count on one had the number of times I've missed kendo, and why. It is my dedication outside of responsibilities. I would probably find another job for the sole reason of not being able to attend kendo. I can't explain it other then it is my nonobligatory dedication.

Kata was the focus of Friday. I know sensei pushed hard to be able to practice with me. He didn't show it but I knew. I appreciated it, It is not every day that you get a one of one hour lesson of kata with a 5th dan sensei. He taught the 8th and 9th katas as well, at least it was a general introduction. I am by no means ready for them but I know some insight to them. It was the most beneficial kata practice I had ever had. I am very appreciative of that.

Sensei is having surgery on his shoulder the 13th... he will be out for sure 6 weeks and will be able to start light recoup after that time. I think he will still be at classes to direct us be will not be able to show us anything himself. We will have to listen with great detail.

I am trying to get into practicing iaido again. I have no instructor but I am trying. Other then books and small tidbits from Hiro, I am looking like a very white fool swinging a katana. So far, I am focusing on the initial draw of the sword, that is it. One step at a time.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sinpan Seminar

To all ECUSKF members:

The annual Sinpan (Referee) Seminar is coming soon. This referee seminar should be meaningful for not only high rank kendoist but also kendoist at any level. We are looking forward to seeing you all.

Date: Saturday, August 21, 2010

Location: Ohio State University RPAC (Recreation & Physical Activity Center)

Room: Multipurpose Room A200 for seminar, Dave Griner Room for lunch break

Address: (Building 246) 337 W 17th Ave Columbus, OH 43210

area of OSU Map

Instructor: Koki Ariga sensei, 7 Dan (Referee of the World Kendo Championship in 2003, 2006, and 2009)

Seminar Fee: Free


10:00 pm Room Open

10:15 am ~ 12:15 pm Check Rules & Regulations, QA

12:15 pm ~ 1:00 pm Lunch break

1:00 pm ~ 3:00 pm Referee practice for 3 Dan and above, Simulation match by others

3:00 pm ~ 3:45 pm Joint practice

4:00 pm Room Close

Lunch: Please bring by yourself

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Slow progressions

This week in kendo.

I can attend both days of kendo. I would really like to make it to the Fishers Y in order to practice more but with my new schedule it can't happen. My kendo is stronger now. I've toned my muscles well in order to reach a physical level of a 27 year old again.

Our newest kendoka to the dojo is Steve. He has done well to advance quickly. We have practiced many times out of the dojo and his excelled improvement reflects.

My fuhikomi has excelled. The use of the heel protector from e-bogu has help tremendously. Though in some ways I feel like I'm cheating my art. I probably shouldn't use it all the time.

Sensei said after class that "our kendo reflects our life and that our life is reflected in kendo. Is our life is shit then our kendo will be shit." My first question that I want to ask him is what does my kendo tell him about my life, though I didn't.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Unintential Hyatis

Yeah, work is definitely keeping me from kendo. I made it last week but I missed 2 weeks prior to that. No extra practice to speak of either. *sigh* Anyway, New kendoka Steve is coming along quite well, He is coming out of his pulling the basics to his practice when he has bogu on.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Iwasaki Cup

2nd Place, attributed to first blood.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Keirigishi. Receive sharp, quick and fast. Walking in conjunction to receiving the strike.

Kata 3, tsuki the soloplex, keep it low!

Tournament tomorrow

Mini tournament in Illinois tomorrow, I've been sick for a week, I haven't practiced at all this week and I injured my shoulder in practice this evening. It's gonna be a good day though!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010