Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ah the kai

It started in during the tournament.

It was the team matches and I was up against an opponent who I hadn't any chance of winning against. We bowed in, approached and sonkyo. " Hajima" and we began, he struck and received the point. The same happened to me last year. I wasn't about to let it happen again though! I fought with all that I knew with an intensity that I summed from brink of my mind. The kai was a scream. Not like I've ever done before but a high spirited grasping scream of accomplishment and force. There I noticed it was different. I had a started to form a kai unique to myself.

Then at practice Friday there it was again. A nice little attempt to push my energy through. I have to admit, it my kai needs some tweeking and a bit of work but it is there now!! Also I noticed Brian's Kai getting stronger. As I tried to explain to Steve last week, we only get better if we all get better.