Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sinpan Seminar

To all ECUSKF members:

The annual Sinpan (Referee) Seminar is coming soon. This referee seminar should be meaningful for not only high rank kendoist but also kendoist at any level. We are looking forward to seeing you all.

Date: Saturday, August 21, 2010

Location: Ohio State University RPAC (Recreation & Physical Activity Center)

Room: Multipurpose Room A200 for seminar, Dave Griner Room for lunch break

Address: (Building 246) 337 W 17th Ave Columbus, OH 43210

area of OSU Map

Instructor: Koki Ariga sensei, 7 Dan (Referee of the World Kendo Championship in 2003, 2006, and 2009)

Seminar Fee: Free


10:00 pm Room Open

10:15 am ~ 12:15 pm Check Rules & Regulations, QA

12:15 pm ~ 1:00 pm Lunch break

1:00 pm ~ 3:00 pm Referee practice for 3 Dan and above, Simulation match by others

3:00 pm ~ 3:45 pm Joint practice

4:00 pm Room Close

Lunch: Please bring by yourself

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Slow progressions

This week in kendo.

I can attend both days of kendo. I would really like to make it to the Fishers Y in order to practice more but with my new schedule it can't happen. My kendo is stronger now. I've toned my muscles well in order to reach a physical level of a 27 year old again.

Our newest kendoka to the dojo is Steve. He has done well to advance quickly. We have practiced many times out of the dojo and his excelled improvement reflects.

My fuhikomi has excelled. The use of the heel protector from e-bogu has help tremendously. Though in some ways I feel like I'm cheating my art. I probably shouldn't use it all the time.

Sensei said after class that "our kendo reflects our life and that our life is reflected in kendo. Is our life is shit then our kendo will be shit." My first question that I want to ask him is what does my kendo tell him about my life, though I didn't.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Unintential Hyatis

Yeah, work is definitely keeping me from kendo. I made it last week but I missed 2 weeks prior to that. No extra practice to speak of either. *sigh* Anyway, New kendoka Steve is coming along quite well, He is coming out of his pulling the basics to his practice when he has bogu on.