Sunday, August 8, 2010

The latest

Sensei said I am doing well, 'that is why I don't say much to you.' I get that, I understand. I'm not like some who need a pat on the back every few minutes to keep me going. Just don't let me do it wrong.

On Friday it was Hiro Sensei and myself. That is the first time it has happened. He said 'I knew someone would show up.' Indeed I did. As I've been referred as before, I am like a rock! Yes, I can count on one had the number of times I've missed kendo, and why. It is my dedication outside of responsibilities. I would probably find another job for the sole reason of not being able to attend kendo. I can't explain it other then it is my nonobligatory dedication.

Kata was the focus of Friday. I know sensei pushed hard to be able to practice with me. He didn't show it but I knew. I appreciated it, It is not every day that you get a one of one hour lesson of kata with a 5th dan sensei. He taught the 8th and 9th katas as well, at least it was a general introduction. I am by no means ready for them but I know some insight to them. It was the most beneficial kata practice I had ever had. I am very appreciative of that.

Sensei is having surgery on his shoulder the 13th... he will be out for sure 6 weeks and will be able to start light recoup after that time. I think he will still be at classes to direct us be will not be able to show us anything himself. We will have to listen with great detail.

I am trying to get into practicing iaido again. I have no instructor but I am trying. Other then books and small tidbits from Hiro, I am looking like a very white fool swinging a katana. So far, I am focusing on the initial draw of the sword, that is it. One step at a time.

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