Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Kendo Means to Me

This is an evolutionary question, it's always changing with the times.
September 2009:
I joined TaeKwonDo to have something to do with my wife that we both enjoyed. Turns out that it cost way to much and she didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted her to. So be it, she told me that I should keep on doing it because she knew I liked it, and I did but not from those greedy people. I searched for other, more traditional schools and found Mudokwan. I talked to Park Sensei and joined. Why did I join though? Why did I start Kendo, Hiro asked me and my response was that I needed religion. Not some Buddhist prospective but something to dedicate myself to without question and find incite within.

That slowly evolved into something else, I needed get used to being told to do something without questioning the reasons behind it. I'm at times stubborn and jumping when being told to do something was what I needed for sometime. The second reason I was in kendo could be summed into Discipline.

The next turn, I noticed that my frustration was gone. I wasn't frustrated with life anymore, not so much that I needed to take it on a bamboo sword. I believe that was making me a better person, it was helping to make my frustration in life disappear. I was learning to take on certain life problems strategically and avoid some battles that didn't need metaphorically fought. Also giving me the confidence and strength the metaphorically slice down people without hesitation and choose my battles wisely.

Currently what does kendo mean to me? Or better, why am I still in kendo? It gives me a purpose in life, something to look forward to. Also there is a little 'Fight Club' in kendo too. To anyone that knows me they know I am a kendo fanatic at times, but to those who don't , well,.... they just don't know :) Kendo had become intertwined in almost all aspects of my life and i enjoy that very much. It by no means is the most important thing in my life but it stands to me to be very important.

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