Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recent Activities

In class We're being taught to make a decision. Envision how we want our Kendo to be be before we practice. I get the impression that Hiro Sensei doesn't approve much of 'young' Kendo. He always refers to watching 8th dans, by which do not practice 'young' Kendo. This has been my focus for the past week. Small strikes, that are forward, powerful and to the point. No extra movement, no dodging to not get hit. Forwardness and strength.

An interesting question that I brought to Sensei. Is it acceptable to go to the gym and train for kendo. His reply seemed to be yes. What I have always heard from him was not to treat Kendo like a sport. So going to the gym to be better at kendo rides that line very closely. But, I have a better understanding of Kendo now that my body is able to complete the techniques necessary for the art.

I've managed to begin running. I have never been much of a runner, never more then a mile. Sometime last month I decided to go out. I managed to run 3.5miles in about 36mins. Though this may not seem like a lot for 'runners' but for me this is phenomenal. I've been running at least once a week since then, with our dog sam, and we have managed to bring the 3.5 miles into a 30m23s time. My goal here is to get under 30m and then increase the distance.

No luck on Kyudo practice. I keep trying though. I looked up the cost of the equipment and it totals around $700.00.

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